The Burndown Journey

Burndown is a new take on project management software, and we're building it in the open. Follow along as we detail our process, thoughts, choices, and designs.

Where to start

Read our overview post. We’ll keep it updated with links to the most important posts.

Follow Along

Learnings from 15 customer development interviews

I've interviewed managers, CTOs, and small business owners to learn about how they perceive and accomplish project management. This is what I took away. read more

James Paden
May 18, 2022
James Paden

We successfully failed our first user test

We learned some valuable things about what's required for trustworthy automated scheduling. read more

Matthew Gordon
April 27, 2022
Matthew Gordon

Build Log 001

The first in a new kind of post, focused on the nuts and bolts of what we're building. read more

Tony Dewan
April 6, 2022
Tony Dewan

Where Tasks and Projects Go To Die

Every team has a graveyard of tasks that everyone knows will never actually get done. Maybe you can't avoid a graveyard, but you can avoid the impact on your project management. read more

Matthew Gordon
March 25, 2022
Matthew Gordon

You can only learn from your mistakes if you know what they are

It's important to review the success of past projects - and expensive and boring unless you have great tools. read more

Matthew Gordon
March 18, 2022
Matthew Gordon

Why We Chose Render to Host Burndown

We chose Render over AWS, Heroku, DigitalOcean and more. Here's why. read more

Tony Dewan
March 9, 2022
Tony Dewan

Many Hands Make Light Work

Another key philosophy motivating us in our journey to build Burndown: a little help from everyone makes for much better project management. read more

Matthew Gordon
February 23, 2022
Matthew Gordon

Schedule Important Work First

Why does important work get sidelined despite our best efforts? read more

Matthew Gordon
February 18, 2022
Matthew Gordon

Keep The Big Picture Separate

A few key philosophies are motivating us in our journey to build Burndown. The first is that we think the Big Picture should be separate from the details. read more

Matthew Gordon
February 9, 2022
Matthew Gordon

Sketching A Product

A product sketch is a poorly drawn representation of the ideas that should be in the product, and it was our competitive advantage as a consulting company. Here's how it works and how it's helping us build Burndown. read more

Matthew Gordon
February 4, 2022
Matthew Gordon

Burndown Begins

Expected Behavior is making a new project management system we call Burndown and we're going to develop it in public. read more

Matthew Gordon
January 28, 2022
Matthew Gordon